Have you ever noticed that the older you get the more frequently you get up in the morning with a groan? There are different reasons for groaning, but they all…
Well, the Christmas season is upon us, and as the song goes, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.” But why is that? For many folks, it’s wonderful because…
Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope you are all ready to celebrate Christmas and welcome in 2019! Ministry News Greetings…
We are going to wrap up our look at Paul’s armor illustration in Ephesians 6 by looking at his personal prayer request. He simply asks them to pray for him…
As Paul finishes his Armor illustration, he emphasizes the need to alertly persevere in prayer at all times in the Spirit. Why is prayer so important to walking in victory?…
The last element of armor in Paul’s illustration is the Sword of the Spirit. Paul uses the Greek word, rhema, to direct us to speak the Word aloud when we…
As we continue our look at the armor of God, it’s time to look at the shield of Faith. Paul tells us that this shield is capable of extinguishing the…
Did you ever wonder why would Paul put salvation and the helmet together? What is the purpose of a helmet? It protects a person’s head from concussions. Football players, hockey…
As we continue our look at the Armor of God, let’s turn our attention to the next two pieces on Paul’s list in Ephesians 6. No Roman soldier would ever…
In Ephesians 6, the Apostle Paul presents the practical word picture of a Roman Soldier’s Battle Armor in order to help his readers understand how God equips us to be…