There have been multiple ministry sources as well as patriot channels calling for intercessory prayer for our nation. Credible sources, like Dan Bongino, have received alerts from their intel connections…
Well, we are about to move into another year. I will not really miss 2024 and all the political arguing. Our nation and this crazy world need our prayers and…
“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” (Genesis 1:27) As our Creator, God designed us…
It’s happening! All around the country especially on university campuses the revival wave is surging. The enemy’s plot to destroy our country and mankind is backfiring. It’s waking people up…
There have been a lot of distractions around us lately…. the eclipse, the economy, earthquakes. Are they signs of the times? Absolutely. We need to be careful to keep them…
I recently heard a preacher state that whenever God shows you His plan expect the enemy to attack. I can wholeheartedly agree with that statement. I believe it’s time for…
What do you see when you look ahead to 2024? More chaos? Or, hope for revival? I am choosing to look for revival. What does the word revival mean? It…
Welcome to 2023! 2022 is over… it can only get better, right? The Rapture would make it a whole lot better for believers. As much as I would love to…
How’s everyone’s quarantine going? Mine has been phenomenal! I haven’t made any cookies. I am down a size and still dropping weight! Why? God in His mercy has set me…
The State of the Bible 2018 report, commissioned by the American Bible Society and conducted by Barna Research, found that Americans could be divided into five categories: (1) Bible Centered…