Some people (often single males) rely on the “sniff test” to ascertain whether their clothes are clean enough to wear. According to Reader’s Digest, 70 percent of the soil on…
I want you to think back to your school years. Do the names of any special teachers come to mind? What made them special? Most of the time it’s that…
In September 2010, a single security certificate was turned over to the Missouri Treasurer’s office as unclaimed property. The staff identified it as highly valuable and searched for the rightful…
If I had to pick one word to summarize the Exchanged Life, I think it would be transformation. You see, because we were born again by faith into Jesus’ family,…
When I was growing up, I remember the inflatable plastic punching dummy. It was about as tall as I was and had a smiling face painted on it. The challenge…
Three friends were discussing death, and one asked the group: What would you like people to say about you at your funeral? The first one said he would like people…
We are at war! We all live in a war zone; the battle rages within us every day. Our flesh is at war with the Spirit. The lusts of the…
I was reading through a portion of the Old Testament Law that focused on the sacrifices required by God of the Israelites. I was struck by the idea of how…
Many years ago, when I was struggling with the fear of losing my parents, the Lord clearly spoke into my spirit, “Robyn, behind all fear is unbelief.” That was an…
In a seminary missions class, Herbert Jackson told how, as a new missionary, he was assigned a car that would not start without a push. After pondering his problem, he…