When you look at the world around you, how does it make you feel? Are you afraid, discouraged, just hoping for the rapture? Beloved, I want to take this blog…
When you look at the world around you, how does it make you feel? Are you afraid, discouraged, just hoping for the rapture? Beloved, I want to take this blog…
How good are you at waiting? I have a lot of room for growth in this fruit area. The Lord and I have a running joke when I ask, “so…
How do you feel about 2022? Are you hopeful that things will change for the better? Or are you scared that it’s only going to get worse? Which do you…
I hope you had a great time celebrating the birth of our Savior with family. When I was asking the Lord what He wanted me to share about this week,…
Have you ever been tempted to just chuck it all and give up? Who hasn’t? When Jesus lays out the end times for his disciples, He challenges them to be…
We all can agree that 2020 and 2021 have be unlike anything we have ever experienced before. It’s been like being in a crazy movie that you just want to…
A number of years ago a Tornado leveled three communities south of Chicago. It totally wrecked the home of a woman name Anna Stafford. Guess what she found intact: a…
A kindergarten class went to a fire station for a tour and instruction in fire safety. A fireman was sharing what to do in case there was a fire. The…
What’s in a name? Names were a big deal in the Bible. Name changes were often made by the Lord to signify changes He made within a person. Saul to…