Mention the name Charles Lindbergh, and many will remember that he completed the first solo flight across the Atlantic. In addition to his prominent exploits in flight, however, he also…

It’s Memorial Day 2024, and I hope you are able to gather with family and friends and remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us to have freedom…

Did you know that there are species of birds that will delay their own migration if a member of the flock is unable to continue the journey? In an act…

Have you ever read in John 14:15 “if you love me, you will obey me,” and come away feeling even more ashamed? In church, we have been looking at what…

Today is Memorial Day. A day we honor those who made the highest sacrifice so that we can be free. I honor my uncle, Ken Hoser, who was at Pearl…

Are you struggling with feeling hopeless in this pain-filled world? Here’s a word of encouragement from His heart to yours. Our reference of Reflection, Action, and Prayer today is Psalm…

An atheist said, “If there is a God, may he prove himself by striking me dead right now.” Nothing happened. “You see, there is no God.” Some one said, “You’ve…

What sets believers in Jesus apart from unbelievers? Agape Love. Remember this is defined as: choosing to set aside my self-interests to serve the best interests of another no matter…