I’ve shared in the past about the struggle of not feeling good enough. I have several clients really battling this self-perception which is not in alignment with how God sees…
How does it make you feel when God answers your prayers with a ‘Yes!’? It’s pretty awesome! The Apostle Paul prays for the saints in Ephesus that the eyes of…
What are Satan’s three main tactics to try to take us down? Temptation, Accusation and Deception. Today, I want to focus on the second one: Accusation. He uses this on…
Ministry Update Greetings once again in the name of our blessed Savior and Lord Jesus Christ! I hope that you are enjoying the beauty of Spring and surviving the stress…
How good are you at waiting? I have a lot of room for growth in this fruit area. The Lord and I have a running joke when I ask, “so…
Are you familiar with the verse in John where Jesus says, “for whom the Son sets free, will be free indeed.” It’s amazing, but do we believe it and live…
When is the last time you heard or thought, “I need to get right with God.” What does that mean? I was in Atlanta recently where this topic was addressed…
I hope you all enjoyed celebrating Resurrection Sunday with your loved ones. It is something that we need to be mindful of year round. Did you know that Jesus isn’t…
I’ve been sharing with you some of my personal journey as I process my transition to Greenwood, SC. Right after my last blog, I got into a funk of what…